Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who cares about the law exam

Today is Sunday. Its 17:43. Which means I effectively have 4 days to study for my law exam. Now from that take away a day for sleeping and about half a day for play station (that is another story by the way) what does that leave me with? 2 and a half days for the exam. JOY!!

So I've done these calculations in my head, clearly not studying law, and I've worked out that I'll somehow still possibly pass and hence why I don't care!

I cared a great deal sometime ago. I'd study law everyday because I was terrified of the exam. But we've had so much work to do, not hard stuff , but work nonetheless that I think I can now officially only work under pressure! Pressure should be kicking in sometime now or perhaps a day or two ago but appraently hasn'y which again proves that I don't seem to care. I know I should and I care that I don't care but that doesn't seem motivating enough!!

But I know one bit of law well and that is defamation. Seeing that I am not the most politically correct person you ever saw...I'll probably lose half of my anyway low wages of paying people I have defamed! Already Nick thinks I am racist. He told me so this morning because I told him an innocent little joke which he found implications in! CHEEKY MONKEY! Hopefully by the time I', ready adn raring to dive into the world of journalism my across-the-window-shouting-friend Dustin will have become a fancy lawyer and defend me!

Until then...I honestly don't care!

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell u a lot about media law!!! But Russian%) Let me know if it'll help:))) Horrific screams coming from Dustin's room make me think that some day I will end up with a heart attack! and if Nick wants to discuss biased comments on racist basis I am the best person to talk to! As a representative of Russian Federation I know everything about it, including Rasputin, vodka for breakfast, freezing Moscow covered with snow even in summer time and eventually bears on the streets!
